Back issues of our  publication The Journal are viewable online in pdf format. Some of the files are quite large, so calling up individual Journals may take a minute or two to load – links to back issues are below.

We have also started to publish a small selection of the Journal items in our blog articles section, along with some additional guest articles, so why not visit that section and see what we have.

IST Journal Archive

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Back Issues (pdf files)

Publication Authors

Harry Adams
Paseda Adefemi
Samia Akhtar
Ray Anderson
JP Ashton-Kinlin
Estelle Asmodelle
Russell Barnes
Chukwu Blessing
Simon Breeden
Jan Brett
Ken Bromfield
Suzanna Butler
Steve Carroll
Rob Carter
Dinesh Chacko
Vintan Chukwudi
José Clavijo
Dave Collier
Alicia Colson
Andy Connelly
Gina Conroy
David Conroy
Carlos Conroy
Raffaele Conte
Anna Cook
Jonathan Cresswell
Terry Croft
Gregorio Dabrowski
Eric Dawson
Helen Dingwall
Stephen Duffy
Paul Durkin
Bob Estreich
Dick Evans
Simon Fairnie
Kevin Fletcher
Bamidele Florence
Margaret Fremlin
Chisom Friday
Abdulwahab Funsho
Sumant Gadge
Alan Gall
Stephen Gamble
George Gibson
Ian Gray
Lucie Green
Keith Hamp
Melanie Hannah
Bob Hardwick
Timothy Haycock
Amro Heikal
Geoff Howell
Lucy Hudson
Julia Hyland
Adekunle M. Ibrahim
Michelle Jackson
Ezeokeke Joy
Natalie Kennerley
Andy Kowalski
John Lane
Liaque Latif
Paul Le Pinnet
Beckett LeClair
Lisa Lorenz
Ian Lyne
Sue Marcus
Paul Marshall
Gary Martinic
John McCormick
Denise McLean
Michael McLeod
Lisa McMillan
Les Miller
Simon Moore
Christina Moraitis
Ian Moulson
Laurence Murphy
Phil Murray
Colin Neve
Arthur Nicholas
Greg Nicholson
Philippa Nobbs


Rosina Nyarko
Olumide Odeyemi
Felicia Okwunodulu
Innocent Okwunodulu
Marie Oldfield
Olufunke Olubumuyi
Charles Osarinmwian
Oof Oud
Kevin Oxley
Ben Palmer
Russell Parry
Geoff Passmore
Colin Pillinger
Judith Pillinger
John Plummer
Bill Potter
Michael Quigley
J E Ramcharan
John Robinson
Ray Rodwell
Tim Sandle
Derek Sayers
Kevin Scott
James Screaton
Tim Self
Kuldip Singh
Daxue Sun
Mark Timmis
James Trout
Jackie Tucker
Alex Tymków
Arnesh Vijay
Stephanie Walton
Joan Ward
Keith Watt
Andy Welham
Katherine Whitley
Russell Wilson
Keith Wilson
Linda Yim
Shinu Yohannan