The designation CSci is intended to ensure high and improving standards across all scientific disciplines, reflects best practice in science and sets a benchmark level throughout the science-based professions. CSci is aimed at those practicing science at full professional level and at those for whom scientific knowledge or practice at that level forms an essential element for the fulfillment of their role.
CSci is appropriate for staff in senior scientific and leadership roles – candidates will typically (but not exclusively) be qualified to at least level 7 (Ofqual) and applying their knowledge in their roles. Candidates who do not have a relevant qualification at Level 7 will need to provide an equivalency report in support of their application. CSci status is a well established benchmark across the professions.
Applicants need to meet the level of competence for the level of professional registration they are applying for. To develop the level of competence required for CSci, we find that it normally takes around 5 years of relevant work experience.
If accepted as a Chartered Scientist, you will be entitled to the use the letters CSci after your name, subject to payment of an annual fee and on a yearly basis you will be required to re-validate your registration by demonstrating that you are still professionally active and that you have engaged in Professional and Personal Development.
Click on the relevant heading below for more information.
Minimum Criteria for Chartered Scientist (CSci) with the IST
You must satisfy all the following:
a) be a professional member of the IST (i.e. Fellow or Member)
b) be able to demonstrate the following competencies
- Application of knowledge and understanding:
Identify and use relevant scientific understanding, methods and skills to complete tasks and address well defined problems. - Personal responsibility:
Exercise personal responsibility in planning and implementing tasks according to prescribed protocols. - Interpersonal skills:
Demonstrate effective communication and interpersonal skills. - Professional practice:
Apply appropriate theoretical and practical methods - Professional standards:
Demonstrate a personal commitment to professional standards
c) hold a relevant qualification at level 7 (Ofqual). Applicants who do not hold a relevant qualification at level 7 will be required to provide an Equivalency Report that details how they have achieved a comparable standard by learning through work, other qualifications or a combination of both and we have a qualifications/experience mapping document that may help with this.
d) have sufficient science-related relevant work experience, we find that it normally takes around 7 years of relevant work experience.
Code of Conduct
Chartered Scientists will agree to be bound by the Code of Professional Conduct of the IST.
Fees for registration and registration renewal are payable on an annual basis, the registration fee being in addition to the annual IST membership fee. The registration fees are as follows:
Initial registration is now £55 – (this includes the Science Council registration levy).
Annual renewal of registration is currently £50, and this amount includes the Science Council registration levy.
** Please note that Science Council professional registration fees and IST membership subscriptions of employees are eligible for UK tax relief, under Section 344 of the Income Tax (Earnings and Pensions) Act 2003. Claims need to be made by members individually directly via HMRC
Applying for CSci
If you wish to apply for Chartered status and feel that you will be able to comply with all the requirements for registration then there are two application routes available.
1. You can submit the following to the IST (with whom you must already have existing membership).
- An application form
- An extended CV (useful CV templates are available at Europass’s website)
- Copies of original qualification certificates, if not already supplied with your initial IST membership application Please do not send original certificates.
- A Competencies report
- If candidates are not qualified to level 7 level then a level 7 Equivalency Report is required
- A PPD report for the last year
- Details of two referees
- Payment
Further information about registration and all the relevant forms are available from the Downloads section on this page.
Your application will be reviewed by 2 of the IST assessors, who will be registered at the same level as the registration level being applied for, or higher. The IST will endeavour to inform you within 4-6 weeks of receiving your application as to the decision of the assessment, but in exceptional cases this may take up to 3 months. This may be one of three outcomes:
- The application is successful – the IST will register you with the Science Council. To remain on the register you must renew your IST membership and registration each year.
- The application was deemed partially successful by the IST assessors, but more evidence is needed to meet with the requirements. You have three months to supply this evidence or your application will be rejected. Upon receipt of additional required evidence your assessors will reassess leading to either a successful application or a failed application.
- The application was unsuccessful and you will not be registered. We will issue advice as to how you may achieve registrant status in the future. Registrants have the right to appeal if they consider that the registration application outcome is incorrect (see IST Appeals Procedure)
2. You may apply through the Science Council’s online system
The Science Council’s online application system can be used you to complete your registration application, and once submitted your application will be assessed by their team of assessors. You can apply through them whether you are already an IST member or not. If you are not an IST member then both registration application and IST membership application can be dealt with simultaneously. Applications submitted directly to the Science Council will be assessed by their assessors, rather than through the IST. For more information about the Science Council’s online application process please visit the Science Council’s website.
Renewing your CSci Registration
Members wishing to retain their CSci designation must do so annually by keeping and submitting a continuous, up-to-date and accurate record of their PPD activities which:
- demonstrates that their PPD activities are a mixture of learning activities relevant to current or future practice;
- seeks to ensure that their PPD has benefited the quality of their practice;
- seeks to ensure that their PPD has benefited the users of their work (employee, customer, student etc);
- they can present as a written profile containing the evidence of their PPD on request.
The PPD record should be submitted on the IST’s standard PPD form along with a registration renewal form and the necessary registration renewal fee. Please note that your IST membership will also need to remain up-to-date and payment for renewal of the membership subscription will also need to be made (the amount being dependent on your IST membership level).
It is the registrant’s responsibility to ensure that renewal is completed by the relevant date, but the IST will endeavour to provide a reminder one month before the renewal date.
Further details about the renewal process and the relevant forms and costs are available from the Downloads section on this page.
The IST and the Science Council are always keen to encourage registrants to develop and once you are a registered Scientist you can choose to extend your skills and support others to become registered by becoming an assessor and/or a registrant Champion.
If you wish to volunteer to help:
- IST Assessor and/or Registrant Champion, please contact joanward@istonline.org.uk
- Science Council Assessor
- Science Council Registrant Champion