IST AI logoWhat is our vision?

Robust AI, Safe for Society

We work within industry, the government and education to provide advice, guidance and expertise on the implementation of robust AI. When we say ‘robust’ we mean solutions that prevent harm, they have healthy feedback mechanisms, and oversight processes. We work with everyone, from developers to users, to understand the complexity of the discipline of AI as well as the potential effects on individuals, organisations and on society as a whole. Within our interdisciplinary team we discuss AI in many different fields and work with philosophical and psychological principles underpinning human centered AI.

What do we do?

We seek to engage and promote healthy and informed debate among the widest possible range of people from diverse industries on current and future development of AI.

Our flagship conference enables you to network with other AI Professionals as well as discuss and present on cutting edge interesting topics.  We have a wide variety of AI disciplines from all sectors attend the conferences.

We offer a Professional AI Accreditation for practitioners working in AI in any sector or discipline.
More information about our AI Registration Framework
Register your interest in the AI Registration Framework

What type of events do we have?

We have a wide variety of activities and events and are always seeking new members who are looking to try out ideas and take the lead on mini-projects. If your idea works out, the group will fold your event into our regular schedule! Currently, the group hosts:

  • Group Meetings
  • Seminars with Invited Expert Speakers (catch up on YouTube)
  • Annual Conferences
  • We produce articles for the IST Magazine and Journal
  • We collaborate on articles for publication

Seminar Series

Our seminars are a chance to listen to both external experts and IST Members about their work or research in AI. We encourage questions and debate with all our invited speakers.

We bring you a range of interesting speakers from the UK and abroad. To apply to give a talk, or to suggest a speaker that we can invite, contact


We have a dedicated stream of cutting edge AI talks at the annual IST Conference as well as dedicated networking sessions.

We represent the IST at a number of relevant conferences and events throughout the year. Group Members are strongly encouraged to present their work at such events, which the group will support via social media channels. Forthcoming conference details and feedback from events we have attended will be in the blog section.

Group Meetings

We hold monthly general group meetings as well as sub group working meetings (usually 2 or 3 group members collaborating on something specific for a month). Group meetings are largely about the AI Group’s direction and working practices (i.e. strategy and policy).

IST Members are welcome to attend our meetings even if they haven’t formally joined our group. We just ask you to let us know beforehand that you wish to attend.

Group Management Committee

(click links to view profiles)

How do I join?

The AI Group is open to any IST Member who has an interest in the development of artificial intelligence from a responsible, ethical, explainable, technical or other point of view.

Email to find out more!