The Institute of Science & Technology is pleased to announce that the Leading Your Technical Team Programme (LYTT) consisting of the Leading Your Technical Team and Building on Your Leadership Skills courses will now be offered through the IST. The Leading Your Technical Team programme has a long and well respected history. It has been running for 30 years with more than 1,200 technicians having been through the programme over this time. The programme content has continued to adapt and develop in line with changes in HE and it continues to be held in very high regard by HE senior managers and staff developers. Its high reputation is maintained through delivering a very high standard of technical management training via experienced HE managers, in a practical context with the reality of managing in a university technical environment.
The courses which are geared toward delivering the fundamental and key skill elements for leading and managing people, particularly in a technical team. Both programmes follow a similar format, in that the learning is enhanced through informal and highly participative sessions that include active discussion, exchange of ideas and delegate group work.
Each programme is delivered in the context of a higher education environment, but is not aimed at any specific job role or discipline. Participants are from a very broad range of higher education institutions, and from a very diverse range of academic disciplines and departments or service sections
Leading Your Technical Team is intended for anyone, who might now or in the future, have technical management or supervisory responsibilities and is interested in developing their fundamental management/ leadership skills. It is a two-day programme that introduces the fundamental building blocks of management and leadership specifically in the context of technical support in universities and higher education colleges. The programme links practical leadership theories to dynamic team leading in context with the reality of managing in a technical university environment.
Building on Your Leadership Skills is particularly suited to people who have completed Leading Your Technical Team or those who have previously attended similar programmes and have a few years’ experience in a technical managerial or supervisory role and want to further develop their management/ leadership skills. The programme is applicable to support staff from academic and service areas. The programme builds on the fundamentals learned in Leading Your Technical Team and provides a further opportunity to look at the practical challenges of managing or supervising technical staff. The programme again puts practical leadership theories into context with the reality of managing and leading a technical team in a university environment.
For full details please see the IST Leading your Technical Teams(.pdf)
Joan Ward
LYTT Programme Administrator