Professional registration, CPD and benefits of reflection

Dr Penny Hundelby, MIScT CSci

Looking back, gaining CSci status now seemed to be the easy part. Maintaining it and gathering evidence of CPD activities each year is where the commitment and work really starts. I discovered that this was when most people drop out of the scheme. Renewal takes time, effort and money. So, while there was no obligation, I thought of it like those dumb-bells I have at home, collecting dust. I thought that if I didn’t make myself accountable, I could be the one gathering dust.
Dr Penny Hundleby CSci, John Innes Centre

An IST member and CSci, Dr Penny Hundelby has wriiten a great article in which she describes her experiences on the journey to gaining professional registration and the benefits that can be gained from CPD and reflecting on that learning process.

Her article can be found on the Technician Commitment website