Since its inception in 1954, the Institute has always encouraged and accepted members from outside the United Kingdom. Indeed at the present time a significant percentage of our membership is from overseas. Most of the overseas membership has, historically come from the Commonwealth countries, however we are now attracting members from other countries.

It is our aim to set up qualifications for specialists/technicians/technologists that will be acceptable across international borders.

This will benefit members in two ways:

  1. They will be able to apply for posts in countries/continents other than their own
  2. In countries where there are no national training schemes, members will still be able to obtain a recognisable qualification

In some countries the IST is setting up Branches to help improve integration of members.

Applications can be submitted electronically to or by post to the IST Sheffield office using the standard application form which is available for download below. Once received they will be reviewed and the appropriate level of membership determined and relayed to the applicant.

Payment of subscriptions can be via:

  • credit/debit card/Paypal online
  • bank transfer (please contact for bank account details)
  • invoice (please supply a purchase order number to

Membership Application Form – docx

NB: All applications are subject to review; the IST reserves the right to decline any membership application.