IST AI Seminar – 14th December 2022 – Registration Open

The IST’s AI Special Interest Group is delighted to announce the next in its series of seminars and welcome Tjeerd Fokkens to deliver what is sure to be a fascinating session on ‘Simulating human logical reasoning’.

Most AI research focuses on emulating ‘intelligent’ behaviour while neglecting connections to human behaviour, hence AI performs rather than explains. IST AI logo

Using the Adaptive Control of Thought—Rational (ACT-R) cognitive architecture, the Logic Group ( at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden created an explainable-by-design Simulating Human Abox Reasoning Performance (SHARP) model that simulates human logical reasoning. More specifically, SHARP is an attempt to simulate human reasoning in description logics. Description logic models are widely used in industry to debug knowledge bases. With our understanding of human reasoning in these logics, we aim to facilitate this debugging process.IST AI seminar registration open

About our speaker

t.fokkens-photoTjeerd Fokkens is a PhD student at the University of Gothenburg in Sweden. He is currently aiming to understand human reasoning and to use this knowledge to allow easier ontology debugging.After studying physics and mathematics in Utrecht and Delft, the Netherlands, Tjeerd moved to Gothenburg to study logic.

When not undertaking research he can be found reading, practising martial arts or enjoying music.

If you need any additional info about this event/group, please contact