‘I’m a Scientist, Get me out of here’ is a free online event where school students get to meet and interact with scientists. It’s a free X Factor-style competition between scientists, where the students are the judges. Students challenge the scientists over intense, fast-paced, online live CHATs. Then they ASK the scientists all the questions they want to, and VOTE for their favourite scientist to win a prize of £500 to communicate their work with the public.
There are a series of events planned, with the next ones scheduled for 6-17th November. Members of the IST can apply to take part. In brief, taking part allows your members to answer questions from school students all over the country. We’re especially keen to involve people in science roles that students wouldn’t necessarily think of at first, and those who’ve moved outside of research roles.
The deadline is currently 2nd October for the November event and any person working in a role related to science is eligible to apply. There are ‘general science zones’ and also specific places available for people related to Cells, Gravity, Microbiology, and Stress. This November’s event is supported by Wellcome Trust, Institute of Physics, the Physiological Society and Society for Applied Microbiology.
Dates for future events beyond November will be posted on the I’m a Scientist website – s0 why not see what they are planning and get involved?