Proposals to boost the quality and uptake of Higher Technical Qualifications

Damian Hinds

A recent review of  Higher Technical Qualifications undertaken by the Education Secretary, Damian Hinds, reveals how thay can lead to better wages and plug the skills gaps.

Opaque and misunderstood Level 4 and 5 qualifications are being renamed and revamped under plans unveiled on Monday 8 July by Education Secretary Damian Hinds.

Level 4 and 5 qualifications – lesser known qualifications that sit between A Level (Level 3) and degrees (Level 6), such as CertHE, DipHE and foundation degrees – will be rebadged as Higher Technical Qualifications and quality approved, in a drive to attract more students to study them.

This overhaul is part of Mr Hinds’ radical shake-up of technical and vocational education, so students and employers understand Higher Technical Qualifications and see them as high-quality and valued alternatives to a traditional academic route. To boost uptake of these qualifications and ensure they are of a high standard the Government has outlined a range of proposals.

More information about these proposals.