AGM Roundup 2019

The Institute of Science and Technology held its 64th AGM at 1pm on May 29th 2019.

Jw & TC

Our thanks go out to those who attended this year; remember that the Institute of Science & Technology is YOUR professional body, and all members are welcome to attend the AGM each year.

The AGM was kindly hosted by the University of Sheffield, in the conference room of the Alfred Denny Building. The meeting began with a report from our Chairperson, Terry Croft, followed by a finance report by Joan Ward, who is also Deputy Chair of the IST.

Sadly the IST’s president, Dr Helen Sharman OBE, was unable to attend, but took the time to record a video addressing the attending IST members.

Helen gave thanks to everybody who has contributed to one of the IST’s busiest years yet, including many dedicated members, with a special mention to our Chairman, Terry, and the executive team. She also congratulated our Deputy Chair and Finance Officer, Joan, who has recently become a trustee of the Science Council.

We are always looking for new members to get in touch and start to play a more active role within the IST, which has a lot to offer its members in return. This year we have also redesigned our website and e-newsletter, and we are always on the look out for new, interesting pieces of writing. Follow this link to find out how you can get involved.

Excitingly, it was also announced at the AGM that our conference in 2020 will be held in York, in collaboration with the University of York in their Spring Lane conference building.
