The IST is committed to raising awareness of the importance of equity, diversity and inclusion while providing leadership within the sector to increase commitment and investment, where possible.
Importance of supporting equity, diversity and inclusion
There are compelling arguments and evidence for supporting increased equity, diversity and inclusion in the science/technology workforce. In addition to the moral, ethical and legal reasons for addressing these elements1, the IST will aim to consider the ways in which action can bring benefit to our organisation and help us better serve society.
Declaration on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
At the heart of the IST’s activities is our Declaration on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, which was updated and signed off by the IST’s Chairman and Deputy Chair on 17/02/2025. The Declaration sets out the high level vision that the IST will work towards.
What is the IST doing to promote Equity, Diversity and Inclusion?
An elected member of the IST’s Executive will act as an EDI Champion and will work with a team of volunteers to assist with the work needed to ensure that the IST operates in line with the principles of equity, diversity and inclusion and to measure progress made by the organisation.
1 The 2010 Equality Act defines discrimination as treating a person less favourably than someone else, where the reason for less favourable treatment is one or more of the following characteristics: age; disability; gender reassignment; marriage or civil partnership; pregnancy and maternity; race; religion or belief; sex; sexual orientation. In addition to these characteristics, this Declaration extends to include social economic background and scientific opinion.