As a professional body, the Institute of Science & Technology expects its members to reflect the standards of the Institute and of the profession.

Members of the Institute of Science & Technology:

  1. owe a primary loyalty to their employers, colleagues, the community they serve and the environment they affect. Their work activities should be performed according to the highest professional standards and ethical principles, maintaining respect for people and living organisms. They should also ensure the objectivity and reliability of any professional advice given.
  2. must abide by the legal requirements relating to their work activities or operation, including all aspects of safety legislation and safety regulations, in the country or jurisdiction in which they undertake their duties.
  3. must perform their duties and work activities in such a way as to safeguard the health and safety of themselves, their colleagues and must at all times have regard to the public interest.
  4. must comply with the IST’s Bylaws.
  5. are required to maintain and develop their professional competence by attention to new developments and procedures and to implement their use, as appropriate, to ensure continuation of the highest professional standards. They are also expected to encourage others working under their supervision to do so. Chartered and Registered members must comply with the IST’s Professional and Personal Development (PPD) scheme.  Other members may elect to join this scheme.
  6. shall accept professional responsibility for all their work and for the work of subordinates. They shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that persons working under their authority or supervision are competent to carry out the tasks assigned to them and are treated with fairness and equal opportunity.  They shall also utilise local procedures for management of staff.
  7. shall have regard to the reputation and good standing of the IST, its members and professional standards and shall not bring them into disrepute directly or indirectly.
  8. shall not recklessly or maliciously damage, or attempt to damage, the professional reputation, prospects or business of another member, organisation, employer or relevant individual.
  9. shall not behave in a way which may be considered inappropriate to staff or other members of the IST.
  10. shall not improperly use their membership or position within the IST for commercial or personal gain or use or attempt to use qualifications, titles and/or designations to which they are not entitled and shall not enter into any contract or pledge the resources or credit of the Institute or represent or hold out that they have the power to do so without specific written instructions from the Executive, nor may they commit the IST to future actions/initiatives.
  11. shall not improperly disclose any information which may reasonably be considered to be prejudicial to the business of any present or past employer, related organisation, the IST or relevant individual.
  12. shall ensure, in holding or handling any information relating to work activities and individuals, that they comply with the data protection principles and notification requirements set out in the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) 2018, or equivalent legislation for the country or jurisdiction in which they undertake their duties.
  13. shall maintain financial propriety in all their professional dealings with their employers, related organisations and individuals.
  14. shall not unfairly discriminate, in the course of their professional activities, on the grounds of race, colour, religion or belief, disability, sex, marital status, age, sexual orientation, nationality and ethnic origins.
  15. must act within the law and are required to notify the IST if they are convicted of any criminal offence. A relevant conviction may lead to disciplinary proceedings against that member.  They are also required to notify the IST if they are suspended from work by their employer.

The IST has a Disciplinary Procedure that may be used to regulate the professional conduct and discipline of its members and individual members may be required to provide the IST with such information as is reasonably required.

IST Code of Professional Conduct