IST AGM 2023 – Calling all IST Members

The IST ‘s Annual General Meeting for it’s members will take place on Thursday 18th May 2023 over Zoom at 11.00-11.45 am (BST).

After some discussion at the Executive Board it was decided to continue using a virtual platform in order to allow as many IST members as possible to attend the meeting.

The online AGM is an opportunity for IST members to hear updates about what has been happening over the last 12 months and what the priorities are going forward.

Any IST member can register to attend; a draft agenda will be sent to those who register their intention to attend. Members will be able to suggest items for the agenda (any suggestions need to be emailed to at least seven days before the event).

Members are free to ask questions, provide feedback, and offer suggestions for activities or support that would be useful to them and their colleagues in the future.

IST AGM 2023

We hope to see you at the AGM.

For more information, contact: